Resin & More Subscription Box August 2020

Trying another resin box today.

This one is a brand new box called Resin & More subscription box. August 2020 is their first ever box.

Here is my unboxing:

What was in my box?

  1. Sticker and business card promoting the box 
  2. Resin 
  3. Salt Scrub 
  4. Paints
  5. Mica Powder 
  6. dyes
  7. glitter 
  8. measuring cups 
  9. heart pawprint mold 
  10. coaster mold 
  11. mixing tool 
  12. mat 
  13. raffle ticket and coupon (not shone in slideshow) 
Overall I was not impressed with this box. There was no directions or explinations. I got sent a message later that they forgot to send their brochure out which happens I get it. The brochure still wasnt very informative once I got it. 

It seemed like there was no rhyme or reason to what I got. It seems they just picked random items and put them in. I also dont see myself using some of these items. 

I gave it a try, maybe in the future once they are more established I will try them again but as of now I cant recommend them. 


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